Cognitive Work Hardening Program

CVE’s Cognitive Work Hardening Programs refer to conditioning programs for injured individuals who are out of work, or who are working at less than full capacity.  CVE has two types of Cognitive Work Hardening Programs:

  • Clinically Based Work Hardening Program
  • Community-Based Work Hardening Program

Clinically Based Work Hardening Program

Highly specialized cognitive conditioning program that transitions the individual from standard rehabilitation to return to work by simulating workplace activities and surroundings in a structured, supportive and monitored environment. 

Best suited for individuals who have received physical or psychological services and need further practice or strategies learnt in therapy in a controlled, simulated workplace environment.

An initial assessment is completed by an occupational therapist to determine activity tolerances and workplace barriers.

A customized program is then formulated which includes a systematic program of gradually progressive, work-related activities performed with the goal of psychologically reconditioning the individual in order to facilitate future return to employment in a competitive workplace setting. 

The program can be adapted to individuals requiring specialized equipment or assistive devices.

Clinically Based Work Hardening Program

Highly specialized cognitive conditioning program that transitions the individual from standard rehabilitation to return to work by simulating workplace activities and surroundings in a structured, supportive and monitored environment. 

Best suited for individuals who have received physical or psychological services and need further practice or strategies learnt in therapy in a controlled, simulated workplace environment.

An initial assessment is completed by an occupational therapist to determine activity tolerances and workplace barriers.

A customized program is then formulated which includes a systematic program of gradually progressive, work-related activities performed with the goal of psychologically reconditioning the individual in order to facilitate future return to employment in a competitive workplace setting. 

The program can be adapted to individuals requiring specialized equipment or assistive devices.

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