Independent Medical Examination

Independent Medical Examination

At CVE, we have aligned ourselves with prominent medical experts who are highly experienced in the provision of Independent Medical Examinations including Benefit/Disability determinations and Treatment Plan Reviews.

Medical evaluations by CVE’s experts are completed using a timely, unbiased approach, providing information pertaining to an individual’s diagnosis, prognosis, disability status (ie, do they meet the disability test for specific benefits or return to work), treatment requirements, and barriers to rehabilitation as well as other recommendations/comments as requested.

Medical evaluations can be completed individually or as part of a multidisciplinary evaluation.

Specialty Disciplines Available:

 Cardiologist
 Certified Kinesiologist
 Chiropractor
 Dentist
 General Practitioner
 Neurologist
 Neuro-Ophthalmologist
 Neuropsychiatrist
 Neurosurgeon
 OT Rehabilitation Consultant

 Oncologist
 Respirologist
 Ophthalmologist Surgeon
 Orthopaedic
 Physiatrist
 Psychiatrist
 Physiotherapist
 Plastic Surgeon
 Psychologist/Neuro

 Psychologist
 Psychologist/Vocational
 Psychometrist
 Registered Massage Therapy
 Registered Nurse
 Rheumatologist
 Social Worker
 Speech Language
 Otolaryngologist
 Vocational Assessor

When you refer to CVE Inc. for medical evaluation services you receive our quality commitment with every report. CVE Inc. commits to provide with every report:

 A clinically sound conclusion
 A timely response

 An ethically sound decision
 A defensible unbiased position

Fitness to Work Evaluation

Fitness to Work Evaluation

In addition to the Independent Medical Evaluations, CVE also offers Fitness to Work Evaluations.

The purpose of this evaluation is to establish a specialized opinion to assist employers with work accommodation. During this evaluation, the physical and psychological limitations and/or medical restrictions are assessed in order to determine the accommodation measures to be put in place.

This is to ensure a presence at work that will be healthy and safe, as well as ensuring a regular presence.

Medical records and history of the client can and should be reviewed by the assessor, however, no diagnosis or personal medical information will be included in the report submitted to the employer/requester.

With the client’s consent, the full report version will be shared with their treating family physician only.

Specialty disciplines are the same as with IMEs with bilingual options available for select disciplines.


Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)

Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)

CVE’s formal Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA) process consists of compiling occupations from the NOC (National Occupational Dictionary)* and the Office of Literacy and Essential Skillst to represent a person’s work history, and analyzing the work activities a person has performed in the previous jobs, along with the objects upon which the work activities were performed (Materials, Products, Subject Matter, and Services). These data are then used to identify a set of occupations that an individual should be able to perform.

If an individual has been injured or otherwise disabled, their residual functional capacities can also be considered by adjusting the worker traits associated with their Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) work history. This process is frequently utilized for individuals who cannot attend or are unwilling to participate in an assessment.

Repères – le site official de l’information scolaire et professionnelle est utilisé en Québec.

Provided by the Government of Canada.

Psycho-Vocational Assessment

Psycho-Vocational Assessment

CVE’s Psycho-Vocational Assessment is performed by a team consisting of a psychologist and a vocational specialist.

The assessment consists of a series of standardized vocational and psychological tests developed to identify the cognitive level, behavioural traits, and vocational interest of an individual and match these results to vocational opportunities.

Labour Market Research (LMR)

Labour Market Research (LMR)

Labour Market Research (LMR) service is a necessary and vital part of our vocational specialist’s role in identifying suitable occupations for individuals in the community.

What enhances CVE’s Labour Market Research (LMR) program is acknowledging that 90% of job opportunities exist within the hidden job market and being willing and able to diligently explore this market effectively is the key to success

This in turn allows the specialist to further encourage an individual to participate in a vocational rehab program by showing that opportunities do exist no matter the impairment or disability.

Information gathered from the research also allows for specific formal training to be recommended and/or arranged, further enhancing an individual’s successful return to work. 

As part of CVE’s Labour Market Research (LMR), the vocational specialist also makes personal contact with potential employers in the identified vocational areas to ascertain job availability, hiring trends, research into salary, and the physical demands of the employment.

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) evaluates an individual’s physical capacity to perform work activities in a specific job. 

If a specific job has not been provided/identified, then a synopsis of an individual’s general physical abilities is determined. 

CVE’s FCE process can compare the individual’s health status, body functions and structures to the demands of the job, a particular activity or a work environment. 

CVE utilizes the Joule FCE system by Valpar which consists of a battery of standardized, criterion-referenced testing over one or two days that offers results in performance-based measures and demonstrates a predictive value about the individual’s return to work or function.

Physical Demands Analysis / Job Site Analysis (PDA/JSA)

Physical Demands Analysis / Job Site Analysis (PDA/JSA)

Physical Demands Analysis (PDA)/Job Site Analysis (JSA) is a comprehensive review and documentation of the physical and environmental demands associated with the essential tasks of any occupation.

The analysis can be completed on site or as a paper (hypothetical) assessment.

Hypothetical PDA/JSA: The physical and cognitive demands of the job are determined through discussions with the client, as well as reference through the National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2006.

Onsite PDA/JSA: The physical demands of the job would be analyzed using a combination of the following:

  • Measurements of work areas
  • Measurements of loads and forces as appropriate using calibrated equipment
  • Direct observation of other workers performing work tasks in question (focus placed on positioning, posturing and duration of task performance)
  • Comparison with similar jobs titles in the National Occupational Classification (NOC)
  • Interview with employer (if applicable)

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation

Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluation (CFCE) assesses the functional impairment of an individual’s memory, attention, planning, problem-solving, learning, impulsivity, and tolerance for multiple demands. 

The evaluation includes standardized testing of cognitive functioning and will utilize the test data to determine customized strategies to minimize the impairments affected either in the home, school or workplace. 

It can be designed to measure an individual’s ability to perform the cognitive demands of a particular job using a job description or demands analysis report.

Functional Work Capacity Assessment (FWCA)

Functional Work Capacity Assessment (FWCA)

Functional Work Capacity Assessment (FWCA) is a mobile capacity solution allowing assessments to be completed at the work site, school or in an individual’s home. 

The Functional Work Capacity Assessment (FWCA) is completed to best determine safe work abilities where fatigue and activity tolerance are the primary limiting factors to a safe and productive return to work or function. 

This assessment is used to identify, if present, a multitude of activity or workplace barriers. It includes an assessment of physical, cognitive, behavioural, and psychosocial abilities and matches the results to the demands of the work or the activity. 

The assessment may also assist in confirming the suitability of specific job tasks to an individual’s abilities, identify modifications/accommodations, and potentially identify if additional workplace training is required.


Workplace Accommodation Assessment (WAA)

Workplace Accommodation Assessment (WAA)

Workplace Accommodation Assessment (WAA) is a job site visit conducted by an Occupational Therapist to identify the physical, cognitive and/or psychological barriers to an individual returning to or reaching peak performance at work. Areas assessed also include the physical, institutional and social environment. 

While conducting the assessment, the OT collaborates with all stakeholders including human resource, managers, unions (if applicable), and the individual requiring the supports to negotiate appropriate workplace accommodations for a variety of medical conditions.

Following this, CVE provides specific and clear recommendations to promote a seamless implementation of any workplace accommodations.

A WAA is best suited for individuals with chronic pain, orthopedic injuries, brain injuries, and visual and hearing impairments, and also can be completed in conjunction with a psychologist for complex mental illnesses.

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